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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Jimmy Talks to Kids - Richest Person/Cutting Hair

More than enough of your daily dose of humor =))

Creativity and LFRV :)



For as long as I can remember, getting out of bed every morning used to be a daily struggle and the only thing that could get me through the day was my two cups of black coffee, hot and ready before class, during study time, working out or anything that requires a lot of energy and mental focus.Intuitively, I knew somethinwas not quite right despite the fact that I had been looking after myself by eating “healthy” and exercising a few times a week. So I started doing more research about different diets, the science behind them and the effects different food has on our body. This is phase 1 according to the creative process that is to collect information and seek out a wide variety of perspective on the subject which is how to improve health through dieting. I eventually came across the 80/10/10 book by Dr. Douglas Graham that explained clearly the reason why low fat raw vegan diet is the perfect diet for human and decided to try going fully raw vegan, meaning I will consume no animal products (not even dairy or eggs which are acceptable for vegetarian).

Phase 2 was the mind incubation process which I allow my subconscious mind to work with all the knowledge accumulated in phase 1. This was done by sticking to the routine of eating a lot of uncooked fresh fruits and vegetables for thirty days. The third phase is the idea experience called the ‘eureka factor’ or when the light bulb turns on. For me personally, the creativity did not come from the thought of starting the diet but from the implementation of it. First was the planning. I learnt a lot from other experienced people who have been following this lifestyle for several years and shared their thoughts online, and one most important thing was to plan ahead. Planning is the secret of success not only for health but also in any other area of life. Therefore, instead of going to the grocery stores and having to carry the food home every day, I do all my shopping on the weekends and make use of delivery service to help me with the humongous amount of fruits and vegetables I need to sustain myself.

Another thing that can also be considered creativity is the new recipes that I came up with while experiencing this diet. Eating healthy never seems easier and more enjoyable when you can re-create your old favorite-but-unhealthy dishes with new flavorful alternatives. I learnt how to make sweet energizing smoothie that tastes just as good as caramel Frappuccino coffee from Starbucks by blending frozen bananas and sapodillas together. I learnt how to make vegetable spaghetti by shredding zucchini into little slices. I learnt how to make delicious low fat low sodium salad dressing by blending mangoes and tomatoes along with some fresh herbs and a bit of garlic. I learnt to enjoy the taste of fresh living food filled with vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes in its most natural state. And most importantly, I learnt how to nourish my body and mind to be the best that can be.

All that I have learnt by following through the diet for the last couple of weeks have led to the final phase of the creative process which is evaluation and implementation. The results I have got so far include significant increase in energy level, better skin and hair, better digestion, a small amount of weight loss, a boost in my confidence and a peaceful state of mind knowing that I am helping the environment, the animals and myself simply by changing the way I eat. These results are the fuel for my self-discipline to continue with the diet even longer and hopefully seeing even more improvement.

As for any problems later down the road that also requires a creative solution, I would try to repeat the process I used but depending on the specific scenario, the plan might need to be modified accordingly. Because there is no “one size fits all” and I believe creativity is all about coming up with ideas and trying new thingsTherefore, the creative process, although, is a good structure to follow, it is, by no means, the only right way that works, especially when applied to different individuals in different situation at different stage of life.