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Monday, October 21, 2013

Amazing collection of our favorite symphonies! (Part 1 - hiphop,rap,rock, R&B, epic)

Music has always been a big part of me. Without it, life would be so tasteless (for me anyway), like a fish out of water, like darkness without stars, like KFC without the 11 secret herbs and spices, like monkey without bananas :P I'm sure you can come up with better comparison but anywayyys, not to get carried away too much, i'm gonna share with you one of my top favorite non-lyrical songs (at the moment).
You might wonder why non-lyrical? Well, simply because there is no lyrics and no lyrics basically means you can make up your own. And i think that is the beauty of it: being able to open up your imagination and creativity according to the feelings attached to every note, every chord in every moment
Even if you have never been interested in this type of music, just at least give it a try! You might find something about it that you never discovered before. I think life is all about experiences and the more you go deeper into the journey of exploring new things about yourself, about others and everything around you, the richer your life will become :)

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